The wind and rain from spring and summer storms can cause all kinds of damage. But what often packs the biggest punch are the hailstones! These little ice balls, formed as raindrops are blown back into the upper atmosphere by strong winds, can cause serious damage to a vehicle. The National Storm Damage Center estimates damages caused annually in the United States to home, buildings, cars, businesses and crops to be around $1 billion!
Damage to automobiles can vary from small dents and dings to a completely totaled car, depending on the severity of the hailstorm. What makes hail damage so costly is that it generally covers the entire vehicle, making repairs costly. Automobile insurance can cover hail damage, but only through the comprehensive portion of your physical damage coverage. What this means is that if you only carry liability insurance on your automobile, you’re not covered for hail damage.
With comprehensive coverage on your auto, hail claims will be paid by your insurance company after you pay the deductible. With most insurance policies, there is a deductible of at least a few hundred dollars. Some insurance carriers offer “no-deductible” insurance policies. These will cost you more in premiums, but if you live in an area that has frequent hailstorms, a no-deductible policy may be worth the money.
When having your auto repaired for hail damage, you may want to ask about paintless dent repair. This is a type of repair covered by your insurance company where the body shop can repair the dent without having to replace panels or paint. This will allow you to maintain the vehicle’s factory finish and maintain the market value of your vehicle.
Don’t be left unprepared for hail damage through the summer storm season! Let us review your auto coverage. We’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have.