No one likes to think about filing an auto insurance claim, but you can make the process smoother and get your claim paid faster if you know what to expect. Here are a few things to keep in mind after an auto accident.
First things first
The first priority is determining if you or any of the passengers in your vehicle or any of the occupants of the other vehicle involved have suffered injuries due to the car accident. If anyone has been injured, call 911 and wait for the first responders to arrive. If everyone is safe, stay calm and if possible, move the vehicles out of the way of oncoming traffic.
Report the accident to the police
Call the police and wait for the officer to arrive on scene. The officer will question you and the other driver about what happened. Try to include just the details involving the accident. Ask the officer for a copy of the police report, you will need it when filing a claim with your auto insurance company.
Take pictures of the damage
If possible, take pictures to document the damage to both your vehicle and the vehicle of the other driver. The pictures will be invaluable to the claims adjuster to help determine if you were at fault in the accident and how severe the damage is to your vehicle.
Exchange insurance information
Both you and the other driver will need to report the accident to your respective insurance companies. Exchange insurance policy information and get the name, address, and phone number of the other party involved in the accident. Get specific details about the make and model of the other vehicle along with the license plate number and the specific location of the accident. It also doesn’t hurt to get contact information from anyone who may have witnessed the accident.
Submitting an insurance claim
You should call your insurance provider to report the accident as soon as possible, preferably the same day. Even if it was a minor accident with no damage or injuries, you should report it because you never know what could come up later. The other driver may start having back pain or any number of other medical issues in the days following the accident. The adjuster will investigate any claims to determine fault and the insurance company will help pay any legal defense costs if you have to go to court.
If you have a mobile app, you can use your mobile phone to report the accident which makes the process simple and easy. You can upload pictures or any documentation when submitting your claim.
Getting your vehicle repaired
Finally, once you’ve submitted your insurance claim, an adjuster will contact you to make an appointment to come inspect your vehicle and schedule repairs at an approved auto repair shop. After the inspection, the adjuster will determine how much the company will pay toward your claim after you’ve satisfied your deductible.
If you are prepared, you can speed up the time it takes the insurance company to pay your claim and get any needed repairs done to your car. Make sure you have the auto coverage you need in place before you have an accident. Give us a call and we’ll be glad to go over your options! You can reach us at (478) 471-8800.