You felt a bump, a crash, a thump. What do you do next?
The answer to that question can be difficult in the moments after a collision. No matter how serious the collision is, you'll undoubtedly find your heart racing and mind spinning as you... (Read More)
Parents teaching their teenagers how to drive a car discover it can be a test in patience, perseverance and restraint. Teaching kids how to drive a stick shift takes the challenge to another level …
Manual transmissions may be rarer than ever... (Read More)
Parents are the most powerful teachers and influencers in their children’s lives. Your actions and words make a real impact in the people your kids become, not just with life skills, but also morally, ethically, and interpersonally.
Most... (Read More)
In 1991, video footage went viral (as viral as video could be in 1991) of people taking shelter from a tornado by leaving their cars and climbing up underneath an underpass. The tornado passed over, and the people emerged a little freaked out but... (Read More)
Your homeowner’s insurance policy offers important protection against damages to your home. You can’t always predict when wind/water damages are going to occur or what may cause them. Here are some examples of wind/water home issues and things... (Read More)
More than 300,000 homes are destroyed each year by fires, according to statistics from the National Fire Association. Starting over can be both emotionally and financially devastating. Of course, the top priority is making sure everyone gets out of... (Read More)
If you’ve ever hit a deer on the road, you know that awful, mixed worry — about the extent of the damage to your vehicle and the suffering of the deer. You may have a lot of questions, too, such as: How is this going to affect my insurance? Do I... (Read More)
The idea of driverless cars is no longer something far away in the future. Driverless car technology is a reality. Some experts predict that driverless cars could be owned by many as early as the 2040s. Of course, while you may not personally own a... (Read More)
We all know by now self-driving cars are coming, and by coming, we mean sooner rather than later. We're no longer looking decades off into the future here.
Autonomous driving is going to allow automakers to design vehicles, or at least some... (Read More)
Mobile technology has contributed a slew of benefits to our 21st Century world, but the shift to cellular technology has come at a price. An average of 11 teens every day in the U.S. become another tragic statistic of texting while... (Read More)